get leads with twitter

Sop method:

Lead Gen SOP’s

Identifying A Group

Identify your Keyword you want to target

Example: “Video Marketing”
Go to
Go to the search bar and type in your keyword
Press the Group icon
Select the group you want to target between 200-2500 and make sure it is an active group
Press the “Join Group” button
Wait till you get accepted
Message the admin and say “Thanks for the add, I am excited to be apart of this community because _____, what gave you the spark to start this group up?”
Keep the conversation going
Find one of the most recent posts that has at least 1 other comment on it, and write a comment on it
Wait 3 hours and make a post inside the group
The next day, comment on another post of that day
Make another post inside the group
The next day comment on another post of that day
Make another post inside the group
Message the admin and tell them about how active the group is, and positive things about the group, and tell them you are curious if you wanted to do a webinar together
Keep the conversation going, and setup a time to do a webinar
Key Point: No affiliate commision and only co-marketing
Download Instagram
Sign in with Facebook
Go to the search bar
Type in your zip code
Select your town name
Look at top posts
Click on a photo
Click on screen name on top left hand corner
Write down screen name
Click the home button on bottom left hand corner
On the top right corner click the paper airplane
Click the plus icon on the top right hand corner
type in the screen name of the person you want to send
Click on the person you want to message
Press next
Write your message “Hey I was curious if I could pay you to come to my dealership and take a photo and pop it up in your instagram?
Wait for a response
Tell them “I don’t know some crazy guy told me to do this, how much are you thinking?”
Get your “Personal Business Page” Likes, to build “trust”
Don’t ever use a business name ONLY use Personal
Start with a Question
Throw in a “Cliff Hanger” word such as “ViralHacking”
Go into Social Proof
Go in and talk about a story such as how did you come up with this idea
How you got started
Results that you got
And now I want to teach you “FREE”
Link to Webinar
I will lay out my full strategy/ exactly how i did it/ etc.
Bribe them with a software giveaway
Click the link below, and register
Link to webinar
Talk about a story
Cliffhanger word in 3 seconds
How you found out about the idea
What results your received
How many times you tested it
Going to teach you on the webinar
Click the link to join me
A mistake that people may be making
I saved $XXX by…
I traveled to XXX countries in the past XXX
Use emoticons on the video
If it’s positive use positive smilies
If it’s sad use sad faces
Go to
Press “Make A Zap”
Type in “Twitter”
Select “Search Mention”
Select Twitter Account
Add a search term such as “Home for Sale Boston”
Continue and Test Step
Click the “+” icon to add a new step
Type in “Filter”
Select “Only Continue If”
Select “User Entities URL Display URL” & “Exists”
Continue and Test Step
Click the “+” icon to add a new step
Type in “Webhooks”
Select “Put”
Add whoxy API under URL and click on the hamburger icon and select “step 1 Twitter” & then select “Users Entity URL Display URL” Make sure it looks like this
Payload type “form”
Wrap request in Array “no”
Unflatten “yes”
Continue & Test Step
Click the “+” icon to add a new step
Type in “Filter”
Select “Only Continue If”
Add All the selected under the separator called “OR”
Root Administrative Contact Email
Root Administrative Full Name
Continue and Test Step
Click the “+” icon to add a new step
Type in “Active Campaign”
Select “Create/Update User”
Fill in the tokens for all of the information
Continue and test step
Make Zap Active

Go to
Login To The Account
Select “Make Zap”
Select “Active Campaign”
Select “New Contact Added
Select either “Connect a New Account” or Select an Existing One
Test This Step
Click the “+” Icon to add a new step
Type in “Filter”
Press “Only Continue If”
Select “Phone Number” & “Does Not Exist”
Test This Step
Click the “+” Icon to add a new step
Type in “Webhooks”
Select “Put”
Add Whoxy Reverse API Key
Inside the API key after “email=“ select the hamburger icon on the right and select the first step, and click on the row that says email”
Payload type should say “Form”
Wrap Request Array should say “no”
Unflatten should say “yes”
Press Continue, and test this step
Click the “+” Icon to add a new step
Type in “Filter”
Select “Only Continue If”
Select “Total Results” & “Numbers is Greater Than” & “0”
Continue and Test This Step
Click the “+” Icon to add a new step
Type in “Formatter”
Select “Utilities”
Under “Transform” Select “Pick From List”
Under “Operation” Select “Choose Last”
Under “Input” Select “Search Results Registrant Contact Phone Number”
Continue and Test this Step
Click the “+” Icon to add a new step
Type in “Formatter”
Select “Utilities”
Under “Transform” Select “Pick From List”
Under “Operation” Select “Choose First”
Under “Input” Select “Search Results Registrant Contact City Name”
Click the “+” Icon to add a new step
Continue and Test this step
Click the “+” Icon to add a new step
Type in “Active Campaign
Select “Create or Update Contact”
Add “Phone Number” under “Phone Number” and “City” under “City”
Continue & Test this step
Make Zap Active

conversion templates

get leads with twitter

Hiring a team:

Outsourcing is key in running a scalable business
Always make your business SELLABLE
Need Staff*
Need Good Financials (Paypal, Stripe, Excel)
Lead Generation Source (You need to know these)
Customer Acquisition Cost
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Exit Strategy
Sales Tax Permit (If Applicable)
Potential (where are we not able to reach, where someone else could easily accomplish)
Building A Team
What can afford
Team Is 2 Different Items
Monetized Position
Lead Generation $3
Sales Guys 15-20%
Support Position
Developers (Look At The TOTAL Cost & Expected Returns)


Look at your interest/ Good At

You start realizing you know nothing about this niche

Facebook Marketing




Putting things together

What is your strength

What am i NOT good at




Bad at tasking out

Can’t code

Problem Solving

Website design

Creating a Business/Product

Software As A Service

Strength: Managing Teams, Sales,

Everything else should be outsourced, requires a minimum of $20k

Team Up With Others Who Have This Skill


Strengths: Need to have some sort of success, You need to be able to put yourself out there

Matter of putting together, and making sure everything works properly VA’s


Strengths: Need to prove you have experience, sales

Everything is easily outsourced, but you 100% need to be comfortable talking to people


You don’t have to prove your own experience, but you need to actually do the work

This can be just you, but def recommend a team 100%, victim of their own work J.O.B… EASIEST

Affiliate Product

Strengths: List Building, Building Funnels, Sales, Networking

Most Affiliate Market, Do not design their own software, outsource

Yes you can make small sales very easy

You’re never just promoting products, you need to create

If you just promote = your list dies X Lead is on 2 lists

If you create = you get leads X lead is on 2 lists – now there on yours

Sites – That are multi dimensional (Buyer & The Seller Work Together) Fiver

Strengths: Development, Networking from the beginning … Niche down Fiver

Good for recurring income, but requires a lot of work from the beginning

Membership Site

Strengths: Web design, funnel creation

This is a recurring revenue stream, lower price tags

Making this sellable

Software As A Service

We want to find a competitor and we want to do better than them in a specific niche

“I have the best idea and nobody is it doing”

Nobody Wants It

Find 1 ASPECT that can make you better

Customer Service (Can you do it better)

Where are customers complaining

How is there delivery (Is inefficient)

Problems with the software




Our competitor is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! Not affordable for small business

$20,000 per video


What is selling already

What niche are they focused in

Never Duplicate…. You just follow a certain path

These products are already in demand!!!


You don’t have anything

I’m going to match my product with their “Needs”

Need to land a client or 3 first before you know what your product is

Until they tell you, you don’t know

Once you have 3 clients.. You can create 1 product and then “Position”

Right now list 3 Accomplishments that you have


You’re going to find a service that is being offered in your particular area (local marketing) Find a service online that has a huge user base

Marketing Agency

You research them and you’re looking for inefficiencies

They cater to $10k+ crowd

Pass off leads to you

They have bad testimonials

Go after their bad testimonial clients

They can’t take on any more clients (backed up)

Ask them to send you clients (referral)


Promise Speed

Domino’s Pizza – 30 min or less


How can you achieve better results (what trick do you have up your sleeve)

Churn (How long does their average customer stay)

Scoop up past customers or forgotten customers

Affiliate Product

Very Difficult, 80+ hours per week

Remember it only comes down to LIST BUILDING or whatever

Find the highest grossing, density

Find something that works with your list

Price – What price have you trained your customers for

Niche – Health, Make money,

Find targeted traffic that would buy it

Fiver Sites

Go to

Local Business SEO niche

Local Business Video Niche

It’s much easier to hyper target niche… your industry specific

Facebook – each ad is specific , not wasting money

Membership Site

What is selling – $37

How can I break this up over months

Take the material add MORE value… and then break it up into slower more easily understood material


Find a hot button – like a selling point

Then you create your membership site around that hot button



High end reviews


Google Adwords Tool “This will show you what people are searching online

Video 2: Creating a MVP:

Developing Your First Product Within An Hour

Minimal Viable Product

A minimum product that you can put out to the market, in order to gauge interest
“Have the best product”
Serivce – Want to have the best service
Saas – They always try to build the entire product first
Consultants – They try to learn as much as possible
Membership Site -Tried getting all the products inside before you sell
Perfectionism (BIGGEST FLAW OF ALL)
Wasting Time
Trying to learn learn learn, and don’t DO, DO, DO
Take Action
What product (out of the 6) – What niche
MVP – Should only take 1 hour
If nobody knows who you are- how can they buy from you
What is an MVP
Lead Capture Page
Online world is changing EVERYDAY
Sell an idea from the very beginning
NOT to your friends and family
“That’s a great idea”
You target COLD Leads
“They are very upfront”
Like minded People – in order to join our community
Build a simple community of 100 members (up to a week)
Control – you can send that traffic to an offer
Split test – This is when we can make sales
Let’s dive in and create your MVP
Create a company name
You don’t have to form an LLC right off the bat
Niche that you’re in + add on a word
Conversion Club
Focus on a result or a niche
Not take more than 5min (after that you’re just wasting time)
Right down a motto/ slogan
Time, Money, Happiness
What does your product offer
Introducing how ___(RESULT)___ in __(TIME FRAME)___ by ___(YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE)___
Learn more about how online shoppers who viewed demo videos were able to generate 1.81x more sales
Learn how ecommerce stores are leveraging video demos to generate 1.81x more sales
Find a result/stat – that backs up your slogan
When you’re trying to create a product/ and you’ve never done it before
You use something called “BORROWED PROOF”
Conversion Club = Borrowed Proof
When you take someone else’s results and you showcase them (and of course source back)
NEVER SAY “We were able to____
Companies using _____ were able to ______
When searching in GOOGLE
NICHE Case Study Stats
Take the statics
Copy the source
Then leverage those stats for your marketing
Have a place for them to optin
Landing Page – Collect the emails and add it to a list (autoresponder)
Deliver the information
Create a brief case study or step by step…. IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!!!
If you were going to set up a service for a client… HOW WOULD YOU DO IT!! Step by step…
Show the lead that you are knowledgeable, and can provide value…
99% of the time they’re not going to take action with the info… BUT they feel like they acquired a new skill set (expert)
This part takes 30min – just write it out
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
Now you go and setup
These leads have already told you… i want to know more
Provide Tons of Value
How can i give you money in exchange for your service
Homework for today
1. Review Day #1 Workshop
2. Create your niche & product (idea)
3. Create your MVP
Tomorrow @ 11am EDT

How to drive those leads down a funnel and into a customer – (Backend)

You take your idea, and generate “community members”
Build value for those clients
Then you can do an offer

My Goal for working with you

This group that’s on this session $20,000 in the next 30 days

Video 3: creating upsells and downsells:

Building Out Your Backend

You Backend is where all your money is made!!!!
Recap of the last 2 session
Went in and created a product idea
Created an MVP to start building a community
Build Upsells
This is when a client needs “CUSTOM”
What is OTO2
Take it to the next level… Market Agencies – Need MORE than a typical user
What is OTO1
How can you save the client time, or increase earnings further (monthly)
What is OTO1 Downsell
Should be a One Time Payment and cheaper
What is your main product
Your core business 1 thing
“A” $50/m with you
“B” ONLY spend $50/m with you
Looking for a more advanced solution that you don’t offer… he needs to go somewhere else
“B” won’t even spend the $50… because it’s not worth it
If all your marketing is towards Startup small business… then a medium business feels left out
Step Number 1: Creating Your Top Dollar Item
Video Marketing = Main Product $497-5,000
What is that top dollar?
Consultant $5000- $35k avg – $1m
Only if your main product isn’t consulting
If your main product is consulting… they can NEVER talk to you before you sell this as a high tix
You hire someone else to do all the consulting before you… and the only way to talk to is if they pay more
360 Video (This is not a top dollar) (OTO)
The reason why, others are doing this and you would compete in price
Mastermind group $5000
$5000-$25k per year
This is def a top dollar
It matters about WHO is in the group….
You’re going to reach out to high value individuals and get them involved (FREE)
Easily be an influential member in your society or your niche
Ecommerce Custom Website $15-20k
YES! 100%
Top Dollar = Should be custom
If you sell “custom” beforehand… you diminish your value
Annual Commitment (Don’t Like This)
Absolutely NOT!!!!!
You’re just selling more of the same stuff
If they don’t like your first offer… there’s no way to convert further up the line
Consultant +Video+ SM+ Landing Page + Email $10,000/m
Offering a full suite. YES
Because is your breaking down your total offer
If you buy the first offer you get access to feature A
If you buy the second: you get access to A,B,C
If you buy the 3rd… You get access to A-M
Big thing to avoid: If you break it down… the TOP offer Consulting/Rapid Service/Custom beyond normal/inside access needs to be included
DFY SM marketing $5k/m
Yes… BUT… be careful of your main offer and oto (not a big fan of this)
Main Offer – They buy, and they think they have everything
OTO – Saving time, increased earning… or something above and beyond
DFY SM Marketing – Top…. They already think they have it all
Design Consultant
Ok… be careful of your main/ oto
Make sure others aren’t “Custom”
Building automated systems and sales systems $5k
Yes… but what is the main/oto
“Well what do you mean this isn’t automated”
360 + Funnel Consultant $5000
YES… but the consultant should be the top not the 360
SEO $2000
But what are doing above and beyond from main + oto
Designed Mobile App
But what are offering for main + oto
Only getting access to certain before?
Reputation Management
I don’t like this… because it’s difficult to prove value in excess of 5k+ unless you’re targeting big brands … i can see this as an oto
Your Homework right now: What is your top dollar and Price… and remember price depends on your market/ your feeling about your product… it’s not a standard (FIRMLY BELIEVE IN IT!!!)
Set price… based on YOUR FUTURE PERSONAL LOSSES for 1on1
This is YOUR top dollar – your personal time
OTO1 Main – It’s a way to save time, increase earnings, what makes their life easier (such as more followers)
DFY Video Ad Campaign each month (MONTHLY)
Perfect ( This has a recurring 100%)
Your Main should be One Time
Personalized Videos (MONTHLY)
This is recurring, and needed
Your Main should be one time
360 Video
I like this… but your MAIN needs to be recurring
The reason… is because if they’re not paying for a recurring there’s no need for this product
Custom FB Header Graphics (SEASONALLY)
I love this… because it makes sense 4x per year they get rebilled
But be careful what your main is…
If leads isn’t your main then what is..
Coaching Session (MONTHLY)
Because if you do “custom” or “personal” you destroy your Top Dollar
Then you start working a job, no scability
Access to new templates (MONTHLY)
Yes. I agree… but make sure it makes sense..
By holidays, by company anniversary
Birthdays… understand the client’s campaign already and then scale from their
It shouldn’t be super generic
You want to make it look as if it was created just for them, because you put time and thought in
SEO Maintenance (MONTHLY)
Yes!!!! Make sure your main offer is One Time Unless you’re a pro, and you know how to sell already
Another form of SEO is ranking multiple keywords monthly
Monthly Video Press Releases
Yes. now your main could easily be 1 press release
Lead Gen for SM
Yes!! Now what is your main offer and be careful
Customer Perspective.. Why am i hiring you if you’re not making me money
DFY SM Seasonal Promos
Run contests or something along those lines, because that makes since…
Personal Strategy Dev. & Implementation Monthly $3k/m
Make sure this doesn’t affect your top dollar!!!!
Maybe group coaching
Add additional value on top of the main
Or hire another coach
SEO Market & Competitive Research
Yes! Make sure your main is one time
PPC Management & Maintenance
Yes.. but what is your main offer
Create Your OTO – Downsell
This is solely for the people who don’t want your OTO
It maybe because it’s monthly
It may be too expensive
They may not want it
OTO Downsell – For them to do themselves… that you don’t do
An example:
A pre-recorded training
DFY Guides step by step
Marketing Materials
Marketing guidelines
They consume the knowledge and then implement
You can sell and no additional cost to you… 100% profit
These are low priced items $7-47-97-197
PLR Software
Is Ok… But make sure it is friggen good… because remember anything you recommend is your reputation
It needs to be related
They take the pictures & i edit it
I Love this!!! What you would is pre sell a couple at a time
Example – sell 2 edits in advanced for a rapid discount
Pre Recorded Training
Yes! Teach them how to get started as fast as possible
DIY SM Platform
I do not like this!!!!!
I see this more as a main offer because it won’t fit right for your product
Discount on original offer
No, because this is after they purchased… don’t discount your oto if they decline… because that means your prices in the future are always negotiable
Sure, as long as it’s about your product
DFY Powerpoint
Pitch Deck! Yes… How to close!
Generic Videos
No, because does it help your client succeed better than what they already have
FB Group
Yes! + Another sense of community
Quarterly Videos instead of monthly
YES! Great way to lower price while keeping recurring/ not discounting your oto
Stats Report for them to utilize
Yes as long as it helps them close
This is 100% profit
Why would you want to share… and also give away your lead you worked hard for
Main Product!
personally i absolute HATE upsells and downsells- especially when they offer things that are PROMOSED or apparently already INCLUDED in the 1st main offer! I feel CHEATED when I find out that all these things are actually NOT ALREADY INCLUDED!
This is why you ALWAYS need to work from the TOP- Down
You start including stuff that should have already been include
Why should you never include everything in your main
You have nothing left to sell (which means… you can’t expand without more customers) What happens when you hit your cap?
It will scare them!!!!!!!!!!!
Is because they don’t need all of that… they aren’t qualifying what they actually need
You will start losing sales from included
What do you need to make sure of
If you offer something in your main, it shouldn’t be more of whatever was promised
Social Media
I will handle your social media
OTO: I will generate leads
Customer: “What??!?!?!??!?!?!” Why am i paying you?”
Main product needs to be your minimal product to allow a custom to get off the ground then your OTO allows them to get off faster:
Main: I will create a personalized video for you One Time
OTO:Monthly personalized
Example 2:
Main: I will create personalized videos for you monthly
OTO: I will make better personalized video NO!!!!!!! NO!!! NO!!!!!!!!
Example 3:
Main: I will create personalized videos for you monthly
OTO: 360 Video + Training to land real estate sellers with 360 video (SPEED) (More Income Customer)
Example 4:
Main: Social Media Management
OTO: Lead Gen
Main: SM Management – I will do x amount of post per week/ i will manage comments etc. (SPECIFY WHAT YOU’RE DOING!!!!)
Now they agree
OTO: Some of my clients also ask me to …. is Contest, or I could hire someone to do writing/landing pages/etc. Etc.
In the customers eyes… you’re doing more work
Main Offer!!
One Personalized Video
Video/Digital Pictures
Social Media Management
Social Media Videos
SM Audits
Creating Pictures
Creating a campaign
Ranked Websites

You have 1 Product
Now what you’re doing is you’re stripping it down
Personalized video editor
DFY Templates
Lower Thirds
Training Material
Marketing Agency Package
Top Dollar
Personal Coaching

video 4: developing your funnel

The Goal:
Drive A Ton Of Value… The more value… the more trust… the more sales

Ourselves/ Our Brand – Call To Action in order to push them into our funnel
If they don’t trust you. They won’t buy from you
It is individualized. 1on1.
Facebook Ad, Facebook Groups, Facebook Messaging, Youtube Ads, Google Adwords, Instagram, Email, Pinterest, Twitter, Cold Calling, In person, Referrals, Banner Ads, Paid Print Ads, Linkedin, Reddit, Safelists, Xing, Facebook Live, Affiliates, Solo Ads,
Paid Ad, Free Ad (requires time)
Your advertisement / Call To Action should push them to FREE value.
Free Report/ Case Study, Ebook, Infographics, Training, Cheat Sheets, Webinar, Videos, Personalized Template, How to.. Free Trial, Software, Magazine, Free social media dashboard, Free image, Email series, DFY templates, graphics, Free software programs, Strategy Session, Consultant Call, Step by step guide, Free profile consultation, free logo/graphic,
Opt-in Page

Keep it simple, Keep it the same words you used in your Ad
Optin – should be when STARTING just an email… Don’t include name
Because we want to keep our cost per lead down
Email – That contains the Bonus
The reason you want to send an email, is because humans lie
If someone types in this email, they can’t get the bonus
Preventing bad inboxing
You add a 1-3 sentence email and then include the bonus (Link to a different page)
Bonus Page – This is where the “Bonus actually lives”
Select a simple page
IF it’s a giveaway keep it simple (very)
If it’s training – use a launch page
Click here to book your call – send them to a booking link
Adam, why don’t I send them directly to the bonus
Warm up your pixel
On this, they don’t sign up… instead they just click a button and it takes them to the bonus (hyperlink)
Email – Value #1 – 1 day later
We want them to click and open our email again
People will start to like you
Single Training – Quick Win
How I made $x in 7 days with one simple trick
How my client was able to generate X amount of followers in a 5 day window (step by step)
You’re not holding anything back!!!!
This type of messaging causing people to click your message
Value 1 – Bonus Page
Include the bonus right on the page…. No clicking through
Writing/Videos/Audio/ Picture Book
Call To Action On That Page
First opportunity to drive sale
Webinar/ Automated Webinar, Free Trial, Dollar Trial, Consultant Call, In person visit, Seminar, Video Sales Letter
Hey join a free training
Jump on a one time call
Want a free trial/ Dollar Trial (20%)
Email – Value #2 – 1 day later again
Add a ton more value
Case Study with the step by step as your first
Build a personal touch
Video training/ audio / writing/ pictures
Talk about a difficult experience… and how you overcame it
We’re trying to hit their pain point
Pain Point
How my revenue was decreasing
Lost social media followers
Wasn’t capable of growing
In the email talk about that pain point… drill it home…
I RELATE & they provided value… this is great
If you don’t have personal triumph… focus on RESEARCH
Value Page #2 – Right after they click.. Give them the value
Tell a story…
And include a link to your call to action again (it can be the same one)
Email – Value 3 – Last Call…
Call – Jump on a call / consultancy/ strategy session
Is because it allows you to connect with the individual
Hire someone
Messaging through FB/email/ any other medium
Value #3 – Page – straight to page, with a call to action
What is the benefit of talking to you ( why should they talk to a team member)
Do you have research, college, connections, leverage anything you have
The reason he did this… was to keep his high end package in tact.
He ended this very quickly… and you CANNOT DO THIS ON THE PHONE
Call to action
Is the same call to action
Pitch – $1 Trial, Free Trial, Full Price, Rapid Discount – After they click on your CTA
Sales Page
You Celebrate!!!!!
OTO Page Comes into Play – This is a Landing PAge that’s hooked up for directly after a purchase
Is you recurring product that we discussed in Training 3 – Describe it in depth what the results are… Add an option to purchase
Give them the option to say no
This also works with your oto2/3/4/5… however many your offering – Offer your “Downsell” if they click no. (Hyperlink to your downsell page)
Thank you for joining/ signing up/ registering
Click here to access your product (Make it super easy for your user to access)
You don’t want buyers remorse
If you give them a headache they will start to hate you
They login and play around – access and utilize
Offer training/support to get your users off the ground
Strategy call, video trainings, SOP’s
High Tix – One Week Later
Recommend someone jump on call/ training/ webinar… build value on that phone call, and make a recommendation “It may be a good option for you to…_____”
IF you don’t like calls. Hire someone AFTER you make enough money

video 5: Facebook ad bonus:
Facebook Ad Bonus

Facebook Ads are a crucial part of our business structure.

When you are going through and running ads there are a few important details you need to know

Look at what your competitors are doing…

1. Go to

2. Type in the niche and similar keywords for what you are trying to sell

3. Click around on their site and register on their email list

4. This should add you to their FB ad sequence if their running ads

5. Go to and scroll down to where you see an ad… we want to hyper-target ads towards us, so we’re going to tell Facebook exactly what you want to see. When you see an ad look at the top right corner for a drop-down and click on “Why am I seeing this ad”

6. Then you will see why they are targeting you but right below the description you will see “manage ad preferences”

7. Go through your “interests” and delete all of the ones that aren’t related to the niche you are trying to start… remember it doesn’t matter what you actually like, but it matters more about what your trying to sell so we can look at your competitors 😉

8. Spend 30min doing that and niching it down on your ideal customer

9. Exit out and you will see targeted ads coming at you in the next 30min or so

10. When you see an ad that is a direct or indirect competitor of you, right click on their ad and screenshot the ad that they are running ONLY if it has more than a couple hundred likes/comments

11. Screenshot the funnel and go through the funnel so you can screenshot all the pages.

12. Once you start capturing funnels go to

13. Take the FB ID’s of those pages and add it into FPK to do research on those pages clients

14. You will start seeing a list of who their EXACT target market is including members/ location/ interests in other pages similar to theirs

15. Start writing down a list of all the “similar pages” and now you can add those into your ad under “interests” section of the ad itself

SHABAM!!!!! Just like that you know the exact FB funnel your competitor is running, you know the exact target market of your competitors, and now you can start scooping up customers who you already know are interested in your product. 😉

Hope I just made your day 😀

Creating an sop:

Automating delivery:

New Year Action Plan:
video 1: Changing belief

video 2: first 3 steps

video 3: last 3 steps:

3 Day Of Pure Action:
video 1: the secret of the business:″ rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>

video 2: FEAR:

video 3: scaling up

video1a getting started:




video 4:


video 6;


Wifi training:Social Wifi Takeover
video 1: world of social wifi
video2 Easiest leads you will ever find:

video 3: mastermind videoremix ninja

video 4: Social wifi pricing:
video 5: Real Estate Mastermind;

video6: automated sales funnel:

Setting up your backend:

Adding a Device

Connecting the Access Point
Creating a Campaign
Happy Camper Service Agreement

Social Wifi

dr walker interview:



Up to 18 users

Need to update firmware


Within Charles’s Platform

Up to 32 users




Within Charles’s Platform

Larger venues

Up to 1,000 users



SmartVideo – 3-Day SmartVideo Case Study Program

Smart video launch 100,000 day 1

day 2: realestate:

day 3 lending a helping hand

webinar recordings: