Tag Archives: Video

Is Veganuary a Flagship Video Event for Brands?

Veganuary is rapidly becoming a tentpole event for brands online. Check out how top brands are promoting this movement across social video.
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How #TeamTrees Used Social Video to Help Save the Planet

Learn how social video played a primary role in driving awareness of the viral #TeamTrees campaign, which earned $20 million to plant 20…
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img 5cfbee5617667 1 600x400 - Is Veganuary a Flagship Video Event for Brands?

In 2019, FIFA Women’s World Cup Is Social Video Gold

In the past 90 days, FIFA Women’s World Cup content scored 71.2M views across social video platforms. Here's why brands need to pay…
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Who Won the European Elections on Social Video?

Here's how the European elections have been covered by political parties, news channels, and other content creators in the months leading up to…
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